041 768 30 20Linkedin

Fidelity insurance

Crime at the workplace is a threat to a company’s capital and liquidity. The financial damage caused by fraud, infidelity, misappropriation, theft, wilful deceit, unauthorised use of business secrets, forgery of financial information or other criminal acts by your employees can be covered with fidelity insurance.

Important questions

  • Does our company have regulations that clearly define competencies for making payments and financial transactions as well as for incoming and outgoing goods?

  • How often do we carry out a stocktake? Do we have appropriate control processes for stocktaking?

  • Do we outsource certain task areas to external companies? Do we monitor these areas?

  • Do we have internal monitoring and auditing processes in place? How are they defined, and who is responsible for them?

  • When hiring employees for important positions, do we ask for and check their references?